Canaidan Dendrochronology laboratories

All of the currently operating dendrochronology labs in Canada and their directors contact information can be found here.

University of Victoria Tree-Ring Laboratory (UVTRL) | Dr. Dan Smith | University of Victoria | smith(a)

University of British Columbia Tree Ring Laboratory (UBCTRL) |Dr. Lori Daniels | University of British Columbia | lori.daniels(a)

Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative Tree-Ring Lab (PARC) | Dr. David Sauchyn | University of Regina | sauchyn(a)

Mistik Askiwin Dendrochronology Laboratory (MadLab) | Dr. Colin Laroque | University of Saskatchewan | colin.laroque(a)

Laboratory for Paleoclimatology and Climatology (LPC) | Dr. Konrad Gajewski | University of Ottawa | gajewski(a)

Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics Research Laboratory (CEDaR)| Dr. Ze’ev Gedalof | University of Guelph | zgeldalof(a)

Groupe de Recherche en Dendrochronologie Historique (GRDH) | Dr. Charles Dagneau | University of Montreal | info(a)

Contact info

An updated list of all of the practicing dendrochronologists in Canada and their contact information.

Yves Begin| yves.begin(a) | (418)-656-3340 |

Lori Daniels | daniels(a) | (604)-822-3442 | 

Ze’ev Gedalof | zgedalof(a) | (519)-824-4120 Ext. 58083 |

Martin P. Girardin | Martin.Girardin(a) | (418)-648-5826 or (418)-648-5849 |

Douglas Hallett |hallettd(a) |(613)-533-600 Ext.78540 | 

Cornelia Krause | ckrause(a) | (418)-545-5011 Ext.5295 |

Colin Laroque | colin.laroque(a) | 306-966-1298 |

Kathy Lewis | lewis(a) | (250)-960-6659 |

Brian Luckman | luckman(a) | (519)-661-2111 Ext. 85012 or (519)-661-3750 | |

Michael Pisaric | mpisaric(a) | (613)-520-2600 Ext.2562 | |

Andre Robichaud | arobicha(a) | (506)-364-3254 |

Jacques Tardif | |(204)-786-9475 | |

Mariana Trindade | v92mt(a) | (709)-737-6127 | |

Jeannine-Marie St-Jacques | | (514) 848-2424 ext. 4294 | |

Carissa Brown |carissa.brown(a) |(709)-864-8981 | |